The Groom's Blog subscribe
7 “Musts” In A Groom’s Wedding Speech
Posted: May 11, 2017
Hearing from the bride and groom, during their wedding, is something nearly every guest wants to see happen. I say "nearly", because honestly there's always at least one who probably doesn't care about the wedding speeches. For the 99.9% that do, however, we want to be sure that the groom remembers to do the following for his one and only wedding speech:
Get The Ultimate Groom’s Guide
Posted: May 04, 2017
To make it as easy as possible for guys to feel good about the wedding process, we’ve taken the essential checklist items and accompanying resources from our website and put them into one easy to use guide. This comprehensive tool will take grooms step-by-step through their role in the wedding process. Each groom will now be able to support his bride, and show her that he’s got his part in the wedding under control. It’s all right here. You’re just a few clicks away from The Ultimate Groom’s Guide. Enjoy!
Unique Groomsmen Gift Idea - Cigar Lovers
Posted: April 20, 2017
You've heard of engraving a flask, pen and of course a beer mug... but we bet you haven't thought of engraving a cigar. It was a shock to us too. This past weekend, we caught up with Ed over at PDX Cigars, and he introduced us to "Signatue Stogies". What a great concept for a groomsmen gift! Once we saw one of these in person, we knew we just had to share the idea with you. We are definitely going to add this idea to our ever growing list of groomsmen gifts. So guys, be sure to think long and hard about the gift you'll be giving each of your groomsmen. The more personalized and unique the better. As always, we will do our best to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of groomsmen gifts.
Featured Honeymoon Destination - Costa Rica
Posted: April 13, 2017
We don't know any bride or groom who wouldn't want a memorable honeymoon. The opportunity to be together with the one you love, exploring a unique place for the first time. We'll, this honeymoon destination in Costa Rica could be just the one for you. To make it quick and easy for you to evaluate this unique honeymoon destination, we've outlined all the info you need including: the ideal resort, weather info, what the setting and accommodations are like, as well as the food options and top activities. If this is the honeymoon destination for you, just click the link at the very end of this post to book your package. Here we go!
Pick The Right Underwear For Your Wedding Night
Posted: April 06, 2017
I know there are a lot of guys out there who want to look their best on the day of their wedding. And there's all kinds of helpful information to assist grooms in finding the formal wear that matches their style... but what about the basic layer of clothing? Yes, I'm talking about underwear. Odds are your lady is also looking forward to seeing you in something special on your wedding night. Now before you go and make your choice, there's something you'll want to keep in mind.
The No Hassle Way To Keep Your Shirt Tucked In All Wedding Long
Posted: March 23, 2017
For many of us men, there are certain things that are just plain annoying. A top one for me is people driving too slow in the fast lane. I can’t explain it, but something about that is quick to get on my nerves. There is, however, another annoying thing that until now I thought I’d just have to live with –my shirt coming untucked. Although I don’t tuck my shirt in all the time, I do it often enough to get a little frustrated when it wants to pop out in places. Recently, I was introduced to a company that may have solved this problem.
3 Common Men’s Wedding Band Woes (And How To Fix Them)
Posted: March 16, 2017
Getting your wedding band should be easy compared to getting her engagement ring, right? Wrong! Here are three common problems men encounter when shopping for their wedding band - and their simple fixes.
10 Ways To Enter and Exit Your Wedding
Posted: March 09, 2017
Depending on your location, there are a variety of transportation options to choose from. This is a fun way for grooms to get involved! Guys, do you want to make your way in and out of your wedding in style? Then let's take a look at our transportation options. Remember, if you don't voice your opinion now, you may reget it later.
5 Ways A Groom Can Personalize His Wedding
Posted: February 23, 2017
The typical wedding doesn't really exist anymore. So many couples are choosing to step away from "wedding traditions", and really make their special day fit their own personal style. Because of this, a lot of guys are feeling more and more comfortable sharing their ideas as soon to be grooms. Although this feeling of comfort may be true, there are still a good amount grooms that simply don't know what's possible. To help, we've compiled some of the cool things other grooms have done before them. Some of these ideas are pretty interesting to down right fantastic. Plus, almost any groom can pull them off... not to mention score some major points with their bride.
For My Wedding, Should I Get A Tuxedo Or Suit… Rent Or Buy?
Posted: February 16, 2017
Our Top Three Valentine’s Day Romance Ideas
Posted: February 09, 2017
Yes, it's approaching February 14th once again, and it's around this time of year that all eyes fall on the guys to see what they will be getting their significant other for Valentine's Day. Now we know this day can sneak up on you, as well as be a little daunting when it comes to thinking of something to give besides flowers and chocolates. Don't get us wrong we know women love these, but what they love even more is having their guy put some real thought into something special just for them. To help, we've compiled our TOP 3 Valentine's Day Ideas.
Exercises All Fit Grooms Must Do
Posted: January 24, 2017
Guys, do you want to look amazing for your wedding? Of course you do! You got the tux and you got the shoes — now it’s time to focus on your body.
Getting lean and building muscle will help you feel super confident and look awesome (during the ceremony AND on the honeymoon). And if you want to become a “fit groom” and impress the love of your life, add these seven essential exercises to your exercise routine.
My job is to help grooms look amazing for their wedding. (I'm not even joking: check out GroomBuilder.) So today, I’m going to show you the must-do exercises that will help you burn fat, build muscle, and feel awesome for the big day.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Real Stories: How Grooms Are Becoming Team Players In Their Wedding Planning
Posted: January 12, 2017
Recently, we asked real couples what their groom did to get involved with the wedding planning. Here are the highlights of what we heard:
Do I Want To Have A Wedding Engagement Party?
Posted: January 05, 2017
After buying the diamond engagement ring and popping the question, many couples get together with some close friends and family to have an engagement party. Not everyone decides to have an engagement party, so don't feel like you have to. It's really about getting both sets of families together to start getting to know each other better. To determine whether or not you want to have an engagement party, check out our engagement party page. Here you will get all the basic info you need, as well as simple and to the point guidance for hosting a great engagement party. Have fun!!
Brides Have a Bridal Shower & Grooms Have a Groom Roast
Posted: November 17, 2016
Brides have always had a private event where they can also include parents, grandparents, aunts and younger friends and family. It's time that grooms had one too! The activities, however, are going to be a bit different. Although couple showers are getting popular, I'm sure a lot of grooms would much rather have their own afternoon BBQ with the guys. If you really stop and think about it the bachelor party is just not right for everyone, so having another option makes it so you don't have to leave anyone out. There we have it. A new tradition for grooms is born... the Groom Roast!
What Guys Should Be Looking For In the Groom’s Room
Posted: November 10, 2016
Although brides still remain the focus on wedding day, more and more wedding venues are really starting to pay attention to the groom. They now know that just putting the groom and his groomsmen “just anywhere” before the start of the ceremony is not going to cut it anymore. Why is this? Well, wedding venues are starting to realize that guys are just as much a part of the decision of where to get married as the bride. And because of this, they are appealing to guys, in part, with killer groom rooms.
The Groom’s List - 9 Months Before The Wedding
Posted: November 03, 2016
Guys, there will be aspects of the wedding that you will have nothing to do with, and areas where only a simple comment or opinion is required. There will also be a handful of projects where offering your help will be much appreciated by your bride. Below are those areas. Each link will take you to the basic info and tools you'll need to help make them quick and easy to tackle.
What Is The First Thing A Guy Can Do To Prepare For The Wedding?
Posted: October 27, 2016
We were recently asked by a soon-to-be groom: What is the first thing a guy should do to help prepare for his wedding? Great question! Our #1 item on the Groom’s Checklist is putting together a guest list. Be sure to ask your parents for a little help with the family one. And our tips and resources page will give you the tools you need to make this as simple and easy as possible. Believe us when we say… your bride will really appreciate it.
Grooms! Choose Your Marriage Proposal Wisely
Posted: October 20, 2016
Quote~ “Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they succeed when we love the ones we marry.” — Tom Mullen (singer/songwriter)
The quote about marriage, stated above, is great advice for a guy who's ready for a marriage proposal. It seems simple enough, but the crucial step is being sure your marriage proposal doesn't get offered to your bride-to-be for the wrong reasons.
Guys, you have the honor of being the one who plans the marriage proposal. Don't be forced into doing it before you're ready. And ladies, the more you give your man before you're married (you know what I mean), the less interested he'll be in truly having to figure out whether or not you're the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. The mindset for marriage should be "forever". And that's honestly how EVERY groom-to-be should feel before he executes his marriage proposal plan.
A Wedding Nutrition & Exercise Plan To Be A Healthy Groom
Posted: October 13, 2016
Your wedding is as good a reason as any to look and feel healthy. If not for all those wedding pictures you're going to be in, do it for the tons of love making that will be going on during the honeymoon. Now that you're convinced, let's get to work. We've compiled some helpful nutrition tips and exercises that can really make a difference in your health. Hey, they might even be so transforming and easy... that these healthy ideas stick with you for life. In any case, we hope this health focused information can help you be that much more prepared for your big day.
The FIVE C’s of Engagement Ring Shopping
Posted: October 06, 2016
You've probably heard people tell you to "remember the 4 C's" when looking to buy a diamond engagement ring, but there's actually a fifth that often get's left out.
5 Top Holiday Marriage Proposal Ideas
Posted: September 29, 2016

Honeymoons - Traveling Tips You Need To Know
Posted: September 22, 2016
There are a lot of different places you can choose for your honeymoon. There are also a lot of different types of honeymoons. If you're still looking and like check out some great ideas, then we encourage you to visit the honeymoon section of our site. Now, once you've chosen a honeymoon destination, there are some key pieces of information you'll want to know. We've outlined some of those great tips here:
Wedding Thank You Notes Made Easy
Posted: September 15, 2016
Writing thank you note after thank you note can be a very time consuming task, not to mention a little lacking the in the "fun" category. So, to help make writing thank you notes as easy as possible, especially for grooms, we've put together some very helpful guidelines. Although you may feel the urge to just write down some generic words to get each thank you note accomplished, we highly stress combining some of those common words with a few unique touches to the individual(s) you are addressing. Thank you notes can seem daunting, but with a few of our tips you can whip those thank you notes out in no time.
10 Important Things A Bride Needs From Her Groom
Posted: September 08, 2016
The engagement period leading up to the wedding can be quite draining on a couple. Paying attention to how you interact is key. Can you compromise, support each other and just plain have fun? These are essential components in not just planning a wedding, but for having a healthy 50 years of marriage too. To help make this process as smooth as possible, we've put together a simple but impactful list of needs that almost every bride wants from the groom in her life.
Wedding Gift To Your Bride – Take Her Breath Away
Posted: September 01, 2016
The groom gift to his bride is perhaps the most romantic part of a wedding. Many husbands take this tradition as an opportunity to give something meaningful and sentimental which she can cherish for life. But while the wedding itself is an occasion when the bride is showered with gifts, what can the poor groom choose to gift her which can get a special place in her heart? Here are some steps to take.
Does The Metal In a Groom’s Wedding Band Really Matter?
Posted: August 18, 2016
There's probably more to selecting a groom's wedding band than most grooms (and brides) may think. The most common choices are White Gold and Platinum, but we wonder if that would change if more grooms only know they had a lot more to choose from. To test our theory, we've put together a list of the options all grooms should consider before picking out their wedding band. There's just so much to consider like...
I’d Like To Write My Own Vows… Where Do I Begin?
Posted: August 11, 2016
This can be a very daunting task, at first glance, but with a little guidance any groom can have some great, and personal, vows without spending hours and hours writing draft after draft. To be honest, there's really no right or wrong way to put these together. The main thing is speaking from the heart, and having them be pretty much the same format as your bride's. As you know, MANY people have gotten married before you, so learning from them can be a really good thing. To help with that knowledge, we've compiled various examples to give you a head start.
Below is a step-by-step guide for creating personal and memorable vows. Be sure to visit our Speaking page for more assistance/advice for executing each step.
Top Groom Wedding Ring Options
Posted: August 05, 2016
Now that she has her bling, it's time to choose yours. Whether or not you want a wedding ring with a diamond is up to you, but you still need to decide what kind of metal feels right. There are actually more out there than you might think. To save you the research time, we've put together a comprehensive list: Gold, Platinum, Tungsten, Titanium, Steel, Palladium and Mokume Gane. We highly recommend taking your time when making your wedding ring choice. Some of these metals will be familiar and others will not. Just keep in mind that there are some key differences that could really make an impact on you in the long run. All right... here we go!
5 Ways to Make Your First Anniversary Special
Posted: June 23, 2016
Everyone seems to have their opinion on how the first year of marriage should go. Some say it will be bliss, while others are surprised to get through it. Both of these can be true, and a lot of what happens depends on what you put into the relationship. If you did some premarital relationship preparation, before getting married, then you’re on the right track. No matter what, though, it takes work. Like the saying goes, the grass is greener on the side you water… but it’s also important to use the right kind of water.
Top 10 Snacks For Groomsmen Before The Wedding
Posted: June 16, 2016
Whether we are watching sports, taking in a movie at the movie theater or enjoying all the wedding day festivities... most guys are in the mood to snack. Now every guy likes something different, and those items usually change depending on the event. This is why we've compiled a list of the top 10 snacks we think most guys would like to much on before the wedding pictures. Here they are:
How Grooms Are Getting Involved, After The Wedding Planning Is Already Done
Posted: June 09, 2016
Wedding planner and star of TLC’s “Wedding Island”, Sandy Malone, stopped by to share her experiences with our grooms.
Just because a groom isn’t very involved in the wedding planning doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. Sure, for some it does – they just want to be told where and when – but for most grooms today, a more active role is what they’d like to be taking. And although this may be true, some honestly feel like they can’t because of work, school or travel commitments. But don’t feel too badly guys. I’ve had grooms plan entire weddings when their bride was in medical school or serving overseas. I’ve also had a number of grooms who were on active duty themselves, and could barely participate in the wedding planning (not get back from deployment until a few weeks before the big day). They’re all totally off the hook, in my opinion. Although, you’d be surprised how many of them did participate in choosing menus, music… via online communication with their future bride. I even have a groom who is a merchant marine and the bride doesn’t even know where he is half of the time. But when he’s home, we scramble to schedule the conference calls that involve things he really cares about (venue selection, the bar and the welcome party). This groom WANTS to be a part of the planning, so we do our best to make it work.
Groomsmen Gift Ideas As Unique As Your Groomsmen
Posted: June 02, 2016
What do guys search for the most during the wedding process? This should be an easy one. Yes, you guessed it… groomsmen gifts. This is why we at The Groom’s List are happy to announce our NEW groomsmen gift section! Let’s just say we took a lot of time researching what other sites had to offer, and poured over all kinds of other guy gift options out there to create this new “Best Of” Groomsmen Gift selection. We have all the kinds’ gifts you’d expect to find on any groomsmen gift site, as well as many unique gifts that we know many guys like but maybe didn’t think of.
5 Top Items Grooms Need To Bring On Wedding Day
Posted: May 19, 2016
There are a lot of important things to remember on your wedding day. First and foremost, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get to the wedding ceremony and be dressed for photos. Those typically start hours before the wedding. Beyond this, we've complied a list of 5 important items to bring on your wedding day. For a full list, we encourage you to visit our groom's wedding responsibilities page. Also, keep in mind that your best man should be there to help make sure you have what you need. We have a whole responsibilities page for him too. Being prepared will make your wedding day a lot more enjoyable.
10 Must Discuss Questions Before Marriage
Posted: May 05, 2016
We've all heard how important communication is in marriage, but more attention should be given to the communication that a couple has before saying "I do". Along with premarital counseling, couples really need to ask each other the important questions. Being compatible in the right areas can make all the difference in the success and overall health of the marriage. Sometimes it's just a matter of knowing all the right questions to ask. To help, we've compiled 10 Must Discuss Questions before becoming man and wife.
3 Easy Ways A Groom Can Be Romantic On Wedding Day
Posted: May 05, 2016
Women LOVE romance. It captures their heart to see it happen in movies, and it does even more when it's happening to them personally. This is especially true on a bride's wedding day. Grooms, your wedding offers a perfect opportunity to get some major romance points going into marriage. Here are three easy ways to do it!
Some Grooms Know How To Make An Entrance (Videos)
Posted: April 28, 2016
Traditionally, the entrance of the bride has always been the focus of the wedding ceremony. Each wedding guest stands and turns to watch her as she walks down the aisle. Recently however, there have been more and more groom entrances worth watching (some unfortunately turning into humorous disasters). Below are two of the more entertaining ones we've seen that you may not have.
5 Creative Homebrew Wedding Beer Labels
Posted: April 14, 2016
The following are some creative ways grooms are adding their own "taste" to the wedding. Lot's of guys love a good beer, so they're making this day extra special by creating their own home brewed beer and label. Here are 5 that we thought were pretty creative...
10 Top Ways Grooms Can Get Involved… Cigar Anyone?
Posted: April 07, 2016
This groom decided to add a personal touch to his wedding reception, with a little help from RSVP Swanky Events in Dallas, Texas. And why not? As long as it's classy and tasteful, we are all for it!
It's becoming more and more common for grooms to get involved in their wedding planning these days (more than just the honeymoon). After all, a wedding is really just a big party that celebrates the love a bride and groom have for each other. For this reason, grooms should not be afraid to jump in and suggest the kind of transportation they want on their big day, where they'd like to register or pick the venue that represents their style for the rehearsal dinner. To help, we've put together a variety of step-by-step guides to give grooms the help and confidence they need to be a team player in the wedding planning process. Here are 10 top areas where grooms can lend a hand.
5 Simple Ways Grooms Can Help Save Money On Their Wedding
Posted: March 31, 2016
What guy wants to spend more money on his wedding than he has to? For that matter, what women would? Well, since most guys aren’t as emotionally tied to the wedding celebration, they are ideally wired to be more practical with the money that gets spent. Hence, you have a great way for grooms to support their bride during the preparation for their big day.
Can I Get By Without A DJ?
Posted: March 17, 2016
To answer this question, you really have to ask yourself how you define “get by”. Now, instead of beating around the bush, we’ll just come out and say it: weddings are expensive, and that’s not going to change anytime soon. So, cutting anywhere you can is always a good idea. And when it comes to the DJ… actually you may want to skip to the next expense on the list.
Truly Unique Groomsmen Gift Ideas
Posted: March 03, 2016
(all images coutsey of
Almost all the grooms we've talked to can't seem to get enough groomsmen gift ideas. This comes as more and more guys want their groomsmen gifts to be meaningful and specific to their groomsmen's style and personality, including the addition of a personalized touch. We already offer a pretty extensive list of groomsmen gift suggestions on our site, but we thought we'd get a little more unique this time. We know that finding just the right groomsmen gift can be a challenge for any groom. There are a lot of bad groomsmen gift ideas out there, and some that just work well enough to get the job done. In light of this, we wanted to challenge ourselves to find some unique groomsmen gift ideas that also would't break the bank. We hope that these groomsmen gifts won't just be cool and unrealistic, but practical enough gifts that your groomsmen will be very glad to get as a special member or your wedding.
10 Little Ways to Love Her AFTER Valentine’s Day
Posted: February 18, 2016
Now any guy can walk into a store on Valentine’s Day and buy a premade bouquet of roses, the box of chocolates on display and pick out a “My Valentine” card. Don’t get us wrong… those are just fine and easy, but it’s showing your wife how much you love her, on a daily basis, that’s hard but matters the most. Keep in mind that marriage is a lifelong commitment not a series of momentary feelings, so when you are ready to pick out an engagement ring and breakout your marriage proposal, make sure you’re really ready to be a loving husband the other 364 days of the year. As we already mentioned, this is not an easy task... so, to make it a little easier on you we’ve got 10 little ways that will help her “feel the love” all year long.
A Gentleman’s Guide To Engagement Photo Attire
Posted: February 04, 2016
Most guys will take all the advice they can get, when it comes to choosing their wedding attire. Although there are probably some gents that feel pretty fearless in this area, a few helpful tips can always go a long way. Now if you’ve spent any time at all searching the web, you’ll soon discover an overload of advice in the wedding attire department. Because of this, the last thing we want to do is give you more of what you don’t need. That’s why this advice is about something attire related, but hardly talked about.
What If She Says “NO” To Your Valentine’s Day Marriage Proposal?
Posted: January 28, 2016
Well, we are less than a few weeks away from the biggest marriage proposal day of the year. And with all the creative marriage proposals now a days, it will be very interesting to see what happens. To start things off though, here's the proposal from the founder of The Groom's List. This Valentines' Day marriage proposal was all captured on live TV. We highly encourage you to check it out.
So, here we go. Thousands of guys have their engagement ring in hand and are ready to pop the question. Hopefully they already know, with out a doubt, what her answer will be. Still, what if she says no. I mean that would be quite the experience, to say the least. Well, to help these guys avoid that outcome, we've got a helpful list of Do's and Don'ts. And in the end if she really wants to marry her guy, it shouldn't matter. We just want to help make everything that much more memorable (in a good way)!
10 Things Grooms Can Look Forward To During Wedding Planning
Posted: January 14, 2016
It’s no surprise that women are typically the ones who are eager to plan the wedding. So once the engagement ring leaves the guy’s hand and slips onto the finger of his bride-to-be, she is more than ready to go. This often gives guys the excuse to just turn on autopilot till they reach the alter. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking leaves guys in the backseat (or sometimes not even on board) for most of the decisions about this very important and expensive day of your relationship. If you’re okay with that, then you’re probably not reading this. And since you are, we want to let you know that there are plenty of things to look forward to during this time… not dread.
Grooms Heading To Bridal Shows For The Wedding
Posted: January 07, 2016
(Image: Pink Bride)
Planning a wedding can be a lot to manage by yourself, so doing it as a team is always the best way to go. Bridal shows offer grooms a great opportunity to check a lot of wedding items off their part of the wedding checklist in just a few hours. Although a groom's part in the wedding is typically not as involved, there are still some important tasks that grooms should take part in to support their bride. Yes, I know that most bridal shows are on a Saturday or Sunday, but that's where technology comes in to play. Just record your games, and put a few hours in helping plan this important day. With the help of our groom's checklist... guys now know exactly what they need to do. Alright... here come the shows, so get your phone out and start checking off your list!
4 Ways To Ask Your Best Friend To Be Your Best Man
Posted: December 10, 2015
This may seem like an easy one, but the honor of being a best man deserves a little more than just simply asking. Now, we're not saying you need to put in as much thought and money as you did for the marriage proposal, but he is your best man after all. We've said this before and we'll keep saying it, your best man should be your best friend... period. Just because you were someone else's best man or you have a older/younger brother, doesn't mean one of them automatically gets to be the best man in your wedding. If not right away, they will eventually understand your decision to pick someone else. Being guilted into your choice is no way to start the wedding planning process. So once you've determined the man for the job, it's time to get crackin' on the asking part. To help, we've put together a few ideas to make it memorable.
5 “Real” Extreme Weddings
Posted: December 03, 2015
A wedding can be as unique as you choose to make it. Sure there are elements like the wedding dress, officiant and the exchanging of rings that might take place in all of them, but making your wedding match your individual personalities is what it’s all about. Now some couples will make small customizations like using their college fight song to exit the ceremony or enter the reception, while others will take it a bit further and have their own signature drinks, handmade postcards of places they’ve traveled to for table numbers and opt to toss a football with the garter around it. Then there are still the few who go to the extreme to make their day one-of-a-kind. In the end, where you fall on this wedding planning spectrum is really up to you and your budget. As for the couples we are featuring below… let’s just say you might pick one of their ideas to incorporate into your big day (did we say "might").
10 Ways To Make Your Stressed Out Bride Smile During The Wedding Planning
Posted: November 24, 2015
When planing any kind of major event, there always seems to be some stressful moments. With so many details to keep track of, even the best planners can easily loose their cool. Now when it comes to weddings, it really depends on the bride. Since most brides have never been married before, this experience will depend a lot on their personality. For most grooms, they need to be team players. We like to think of the bride as the CEO and the groom as a project manager. We know this may not always be the case, but for the vast majority this description seems to fit pretty well. To be the best team player with the wedding planning tasks, we encourage grooms to check out our The Groom's Checklist. Beyond that, we want to provide grooms with some supportive ideas that are meant to keep a smile on their bride's face. In this case, these 10 ideas have nothing to do with planning and everything to do with making her life a little easier.
Too Much Gaming Could Be Killing Your Sex Life
Posted: November 19, 2015
All us guys like our digital toys. They bring us pleasure, and what's wrong with that... right? Well, studies have shown that too much digital activity suppress a vital hormone produced by our brain. This hormone is responsible for many of our behaviors, including love. It reduces a persons' need for closeness and affection, which can be very damaging in a marriage (especially a new one). To help, we've put together a list of simple ways that can boost the Oxytocin level in your brain. We all know that it's virtually impossible to completely eliminate our digital time, but it seems worth it to consciously work to decrease it while at the same time actively increasing our Oxytocin on the other end. Doing these simple things can really add new life to your marriage... not to mention your sex life!
Yes, Grooms Have A Wedding Checklist Too
Posted: November 05, 2015
Let’s say I’m a guy who just got down on one knee to propose marriage to my girl. Let’s also assume that I put a lot of time, effort and energy into picking just the right diamond engagement ring, then sweated some bullets about asking permission from her father and finally planned out the perfect way to propose. In the past most guys would say, “okay, I’m done”… right? I mean she’s got a fantastic rock on her finger AND a memorable marriage proposal to share with all her friends and family. Well, that “hands off the wedding” stereotype is not as common anymore. Without taking anything away from a guy to lives out a marriage proposal scenario, like the one I just described above, it’s important to know that a proposal is only the first of three items on a guy’s wedding “to do” list.
5 Ways Guys Can Help With A Destination Wedding
Posted: October 29, 2015
More and more couples are now deciding to get hitched away from home. Sometimes this is because a bride or groom is going back where they grew up to have the wedding with their family, and in other cases it’s an excuse to get out-of-town and stay there for their honeymoon too! Regardless, guys can be a huge help and support to their bride. No matter how in to the wedding planning a bride might be, planning anything from a distance can take a lot more work and detail management. If any bride is going to want her groom's help with the wedding planning, it’s with a destination wedding. This is why we wanted to give guys a few hints that can really do wonders for the sanity of the wedding planning relationship.
Where Should I Give My Marriage Proposal?
Posted: October 15, 2015
A marriage proposal is a very personal decision. Picking the right spot to propose is very important. Does your soon to be bride want her marriage proposal to be public or private? Would she like you to get down on one knee after a romantic or extravagant display of affection? You have some homework to do, but we do have some helpful suggestions to get your marriage proposal off on the right track...
Are You Really Ready To Purchase An Engagement Ring?
Posted: October 01, 2015
You’ve done it, you’ve made your decision…she's the one! It’s now time for a very important purchase. We know you want to express your love and commitment in a special way, so take your time. Really make sure you have the right engagement ring that fits her personality and style. Whether you're the type of guy who feels right at home purchasing jewelry for a woman or one who tends to panic the second she walks into a jewelry store, remember that buying the ideal engagement ring will probably be a heart pounding task.
Diamond Engagement Ring Purchasing Tips
Posted: September 17, 2015
We know you've put a lot of time and money into finding the women you want to spend your life with, so we'd like to save you some time and money buying her the perfect engagement ring. We've been hard at work collecting the best tips we can find to make this as effortless as possible. Now, there is a little work on your end determining the kind of ring she would want, but once you have a good idea what that is, take advantage of our tips as you set out to make your diamond engagement ring purchase!
7 Ways Grooms Are Having More Fun At Weddings
Posted: September 10, 2015
A lot of guys think that weddings are a drag. They have to get all dressed up, be around and talk to a bunch of family and people they don't know that well (or at all) and also do a little dancing. Still, when asked, most guys do have a different opinion after the evening is over. They even say how much fun they had. Yes, they really do. So why is it that the idea of a wedding scares guys, but once they actually experience it their opinion changes. We feel it has to do with what they have to focus on and the pressure associated with it. This is why we put together a simple list of ways that a bride can help her groom look forward to their wedding day.
An Easy Guide For Writing Wedding Vows That Are Personal & Meaningful
Posted: September 03, 2015
Getting married is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. This is true for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is holding true to the vows you give to your bride on your wedding day. As you can tell by the nearly 50% divorce rate we have in the united states, many people don't take their wedding vows as seriously as they should. This is why we encourage you to take a very close look at what you will actually be "vowing" during the wedding ceremony. If you like the standard wedding vows that most couples use because they truly express what you want to vow to your bride-to-be, then by all means use them. They really can be just the right fit. On the other hand, you might want to consider making your wedding vows a bit more personal to your individual feelings and unique relationship. Writing your wedding vows like this can also give you a stronger motivation to keep those vows for "as long as you both shall live".
How Important Is Diamond Engagement Ring Clarity?
Posted: August 27, 2015
You always hear that size matters most when it comes to diamonds, and that is just not true. There are multiple criteria that make up a great diamond. One of the most important is a diamond's clarity. The clarity of a diamond refers to the number of flaws. Nearly every diamond has them, but some are more obvious than others. And yes, the more noticeable the flaws the lower the price. To help you determine the right clarity for your budget, we've put together a diamond clarity page that walks you though everything you need to know. It's not only quick and easy, but extremely important too!
5 Practical Yet Memorable Marriage Proposal Ideas
Posted: August 20, 2015
Watching guys get more and more creative with a marriage proposal, makes it obvious how intimidating the bar has become. Gentlemen, we feel for ya. Now, if you DO want to give her an over the top marriage proposal, we offer a series of videos that will provide some great marriage proposal ideas. On the other hand, if you still want your marriage proposal to be memorable but a little more on the practical side, then we have a list of marriage proposal ideas that are sure to get the juices flowing. When thinking about the ideal marriage proposal for your girl, there's a lot to consider. First and foremost, you want to be sure that it's done in a way she would want you to propose (keep in mind that this may not necessarily be your idea of a great marriage proposal). Think about a special location that has a lot of meaning to your relationship: where you had your first kiss or the first time you said "I love you". How about the place where you knew she was the one or a vacation spot where you both really enjoy spending time together? Once you take that part into consideration, then it's all about the details. You can hire a proposal planner to help get everything out and put together, or you can venture out on your own. Just remember, the best marriage proposals usually require a lot more thought than money. Here are some practical yet memorable marriage proposal ideas to help get you going.
Father Of The Bride Wedding Responsibilities
Posted: August 13, 2015
Okay, there's always the traditional answer: FOOTING THE BILL. And even that one is not that common anymore (as you may already know), since many couples are sharing the wedding expenses with their parents. In any case, there are still a handful of other duties that the father of the bride should be aware of. Don't worry, it's not that many. We just want to assist all the fathers out there who want to help their daughter, but just don't know where to begin. That's why we put together this list of father of the bride wedding responsibilities, as well as a simple but effective outline for a father of the bride wedding toast. This information is all fathers of the bride need to be that much closer to a fun and memorable day giving the bride away!
5 Rides Grooms Want For Their Wedding Transportation
Posted: July 23, 2015
Making the right entrance or exit can really have a huge impact. This is also an area where grooms can offer a real addition to their wedding day. To show all the guys out there how fun this can be, we've compiled 5 unique ways brides and grooms can arrive and depart their wedding in style.
Should I Buy An Engagement Ring Online?
Posted: July 16, 2015
-Guest post from diamond industry expert -James Allen Schultz (President of James Allen)
Having been on the front lines of the diamond industry for over 15 years, I’ve heard first-hand the apprehension that often comes with buying an engagement ring online. I am happy to share with The Groom's List readers the hesitations I've heard most often, and why today's grooms-to-be can actually gain more from buying an engagement ring online.
Groom Approved Boutonniere Ideas
Posted: July 10, 2015
There are a ton of ways to make your wedding creative and unique. One way for a groom to insert his personality and style is with the boutonniere. Yes, these can be very girly, but occasionally we see one that really says "A groom had some influence here". To give you an idea of what we mean, we've compiled a few of the more memorable ones for you to enjoy. Still, if boutonnieres aren't your thing, then be sure to check out our formal wear page to see some other ways you can create the personalized look you want on your big day. Remember, there's no right or wrong... just be you.
10 Ways A Groom, And His Groomsmen Can Pass The Time Before The Wedding
Posted: June 04, 2015
Waking up on "wedding day" can bring a little nervous stress to the most focused and fearless grooms. So, instead of letting it get the best of them, a lot of grooms are looking to use that time to bond with their groomsmen. This is especially true, if some of those groomsmen are from out-of-town. You know you just can't let that precious time be wasted. Now before we go any further, we do want to remind all you grooms out there how important it is to leave plenty of time to change and get ready before pictures start. The last thing any groom wants is for himself or any of his groomsmen to be late. That would easily produce an unhappy bride. To help grooms come up with some fun ideas, we've put together a list of 10 ways grooms can keep themselves and their groomsmen entertained. Some of these ideas can be done after everyone arrives and has changed into their formal wear, while the other activities would need to happen in the morning (before a late afternoon or early evening wedding). In the end, it's all about relaxing, having fun and enjoying some additional bonding time with your closest buddies!
An Easy Guide To Writing Great Wedding Toasts
Posted: May 07, 2015
Whether you're the Groom, Best Man, Father-of-the-Groom or Father-of-the-Bride... it is always good to say a little something at the wedding. Your wedding guests want to hear from you. We know this fact can be a little daunting, so we've created an easy to follow guide, for each of you, that provides the framework needed to write a great wedding toast. This step-by-step process will allow each of you to create an enjoyable and personal wedding toast. Below, you'll find the links to each type of wedding toast guide. So what are you waiting for, go for it!
How Do I Make The “Wedding Night” Special For My Bride?
Posted: April 30, 2015
Far to often, the wedding night gets overlooked. You've spent all kinds of time and money planning a great wedding ceremony and reception, and you want to stay as late as possible to get the most out of an evening with family and friends. We totally get it. Still, planning something special, just for your bride, is really worth the time and energy. Deep down, most brides want their groom to make this day (and evening) as magical as possible. One easy way a groom can do this is with a few romantic touches on the wedding night. To help, we recommend this three step process...
40 (stripper-free) Bachelor Party Ideas… And Counting
Posted: April 16, 2015
What is the purpose of a bachelor party?
If you ask a bunch of guys this question, you'll probably get a variety of answers. However, when you look at the big picture... is should be pretty clear. You dated, found a woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, proposed and are now going to have a wedding to make it official. At the second point "find THE women", your mindset should really be focused on her. This means the bachelor party should NOT be looked at as the last harrah (anything goes) as as single man before marriage, but a in fact a time to strengthen the bonds of friendship with the guys you are closest to before embarking on the most important relationship you can have on earth. That said, there are many ways to do this. To help, we've been researching and gathering all the ideas we could find. By the title of this blog post you can see that we've found 40, but we are constantly looking for more. If you have any fun ideas to share, please leave them here with ours!
How Do I Pick The Right Song For The Mother Son Dance?
Posted: April 09, 2015
Okay grooms, we can't leave mom out. I know dancing with your mom at your wedding in front of your family and friends may scare you, but she will cherish the moment forever. When picking this special wedding song, make sure it's meaningful. Think back and try to remember a song that could meet one or all of the following criteria:
10 Unique Men’s Wedding Ring Styles
Posted: March 19, 2015
More and more men are searching for a wedding ring that truly fits their style. And there is no shortage of men's wedding ring styles to choose from either. With so many choices, we wanted to help. As we've done with other areas of the wedding planning process, we've put together a list of 10 unique men's wedding ring styles to help all those grooms-to-be narrow things down. Now we know that most guys don't want as much bling in their wedding ring as their bride, but they still want a wedding ring that looks a certain way. Men's wedding rings can range from very simple to obscure (and everything in between). With this in mind, we hope that this list of men's wedding rings really helps grooms know what's possible and where they can go to get the ring they want. Just remember that there are no specific rules as to what a wedding ring needs to be or look like, but there are some important criteria that each guy may want to consider like: matching the metal of his bride-to-be's wedding ring, having a comfort fit, the resistance to damage and whether or not his wedding ring will cause an allergic reaction. For more help comparing men's wedding rings, visit our men's wedding ring page. For a short list of some unique men's wedding rings... keep reading.
7 Grooms Cakes Guys Dig For Their Wedding
Posted: February 26, 2015
Just to be honest, most guys care way more about the taste of a wedding cake than the look. We would rather pay $50 for a mouthwatering sheet cake than $650+ for an okay tasting cake that looks spectacular. That said, most guys still appreciate creativity. This is where the grooms cake comes in to play. Imagine a great tasting cake that also looks cool. After scouring the web in search of some stellar grooms cakes, we've come up with 7 that truly "take the cake". Okay, that was a little cheesy... Let's just say that these grooms cakes rank right up there. So, if you're searching for some great grooms cake ideas, this is as good a place as any to start (and maybe even finish).
What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of The Best Man?
Posted: January 22, 2015
The Best Man should be the biggest support for the groom. That said, it's now a matter of learning what to do. Since most guys don't play the role of Best Man every day, we are here to help. We've compiled and filtered down everything a Best Man needs to handle before, during and after the wedding. There may be more than you think, so be sure to take the time to review it all. Even if you don't think something applies to your particular groom, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Here you go...
This Marriage Proposal Will Make The Movies Jealous
Posted: November 28, 2014
What a marriage proposal!! Guys, take note. This marriage proposal steals the show. With the kind of video technology we have access to these days, almost everyone is looking to show off their creative side. So, why not for a marriage proposal? Let's just say that this marriage proposal will make a ton of women jealous. The effort this future groom puts into his marriage proposal is also starting to become a real trend. And as almost any lady out there will tell you, "It's all about her reaction". Well, this marriage proposal has that and a whole lot more! Just watch for yourself!
If you haven't yet, we also highly recommend watching the live TV proposal from the founder of The Groom's List. You won't be dissapointed.
How To Pick The Right Diamond Engagement Ring For YOUR Bride
Posted: September 04, 2014
Picking the right diamond engagement ring can seem like a daunting task. We know there are many future grooms out there who continually ask themselves: Which diamond shape is the right one? Will this diamond be big enough? Is she really going to like the ring I've picked for the diamond? This is why we've put together a step-by-step guide to help grooms pick out the right diamond engagement ring for their future bride. This guide will help grooms ask themselves the right questions, and gather the necessary information about their bride to purchase a diamond engagement ring that suits her individual style. To start things off, we've included a concise video series that highlights the main criteria for picking out a diamond: the famous "4 C's" (color, clarity, cut and carat weight). This criteria was developed by our partner GIA, one of the three main certifiers of diamonds. The first C (above) is color...
The #1 Wedding Dress Complaint EVERY Groom Must Know
Posted: August 06, 2014
photo provided by: Tapeworthy
Guys, we know how important the wedding dress to your bride, so take note of this tip. After talking with our friends over at Bridal Exclusives, we were told a very important piece of information. This knowledge will not only score you some major points with your bride, but it will save her from being very frustrated.
3 Gifts Your Best Man and Groomsmen Will Actually Want
Posted: July 30, 2014
The best man and groomsmen in your wedding REALLY want their wedding gift to be something fun, practical and/or hold some special meaning. They don't want anything typical or cheesy. So, if you want to make your best man and groomsmen happy, check out our top 3 best man and groomsmen gift suggestions:
Grooms Score Points By Helping Their Bride Change Her Name
Posted: June 29, 2014
Although many brides say they enjoy the whole wedding planning process, we know there are plenty of things they'd rather NOT deal with. This is where a groom can step in and support his bride with the non-decorative, unfloral and less glamorous areas. These can be gathering quotes from wedding vendors, managing the wedding budget and taking care of all kinds of wedding related logistics. Then, once the wedding is complete, the groom can even help his bride with another "not so fun" area... changing her name.
The Top 10 Garter Toss Songs
Posted: June 11, 2014
The garter toss is a great tradition that grooms can have a lot of fun with. And picking the right song is a big part of that. Here are The Top 10 Garter Toss Songs that grooms have chosen for their wedding. One quick note... although there will probably be a variety of ages in the audience, grooms are known to use their teeth!
What Is A Honeymoon Registry?
Posted: May 21, 2014
Not everyone is looking for the traditional toaster, dishes and bedding as a wedding gift. Instead, brides and grooms are asking their guests to pay for part of their honeymoon! There are a lot of sites out there that make building a honeymoon registry fun and easy. Here's what you need to know...
Can I Wear A Hat To My Wedding?
Posted: March 03, 2014
More and more grooms are going for a more classic look at their wedding. They want to stand out, and also have a look that matches their personal style. With some grooms it’s a few touches here and there, but for others everything about their wedding has to fit this classic theme. And what goes well with dapper attire you ask, a dapper looking hat of course.
4 Unique Ways To Show Love To Your Wife On Valentine’s Day
Posted: February 07, 2014
Yes, we all know Valentine’s Day is one of those capitalistic “commercial” holidays that was essentially created in order to get you to spend money... but on the plus side, it does give guys an intentional excuse to show love to their wife. And the more reasons for that the better. Now, there are a lot of ways this can be done. You could decide, as a couple, to just skip Valentine’s Day all together, or really try and make the most it in a fun way. The traditional ways to spend Valentine’s Day like: dinner, chocolates and flowers do work great, but for all the guys out there who want to mix it up this year… we have 4 ideas just for you.
Would You Involve The Police In Your Marriage Proposal? (Video)
Posted: January 30, 2014
Last time we checked, the best marriage proposals were the ones that make a woman’s heart melt. They make her feel like she is the most loved woman on earth. It’s a moment every woman will remember and hopefully cherish for the rest of her life. We say this because we do understand that playing a joke on someone can be fun, but when it comes to a marriage proposal… not so much.
Wedding Shoe Ideas For Grooms
Posted: December 18, 2013
We all have our own individual style, so why should it change for your wedding day? Many guys are still wearing a classy suit or tux, but they are choosing to add in their own touches to make a look all their own. One of the most popular ways grooms are doing this is with shoes. And this applies not only to the groom, but to all his groomsmen as well. Many grooms are creating some custom kicks (even incorporating the wedding colors with the laces) for all their guys, and making it their groomsmen gift too. Now, we aren’t against the traditional black dress shoes… those are great. We just want all you grooms out there to know that creating your own style is not just possible but encouraged. To help give you some ideas, we’ve compiled some photos of various grooms rocking their unique shoe style on “wedding day”.
10 Things To Be Thankful For On Wedding Day
Posted: November 26, 2013
With Thanksgiving nearly here, we thought it would only be appropriate to highlight what brides and grooms should be thankful for on their big day. Now some of these points may be more obvious than others, but in any case it's always good to maintain a clear perspective while navigating through the details and stress this day can bring. Keep in mind that this list applies more to grooms than brides, but since it's a monumental day in both their lives... there's bound to be some overlap. So as you get closer to your own wedding day, keep these in mind to help you remember why this is all happening.
New Wedding Trend - Slow-Mo Video Booths (Funny Video)
Posted: November 22, 2013
It's no secret that guys really do want to have fun at their wedding. Whether it's having a poker table, cigar bar or mobile video game truck... if it's going to make their day that much more fun (and it's in the budget) then why not? A wedding is a onetime deal, and making a lifetime of great memories is a huge part of it. Now when us guys are having fun, we tend to get a little silly. This, of course, comes after a few drinks... but none the less, we can make fun of ourselves with the best of them. And one way to make this happen, at a wedding, is with the video booth. Photo and video booths are becoming the norm at a lot of weddings, and the new trend of a slow-motion video booth takes it to a whole new level. The couple we are featuring this week had the company they hired take all the videos their friends and family made, string them together and top it off with music to capture a unique "fun" that will be a part of their wedding experience for the rest of their lives. It's pretty darn cool. Check it out...
A Silent Movie Marriage Proposal (Video)
Posted: November 18, 2013
A marriage proposal is the perfect opportunity for guys to express their love in a creative way. And even if you don't feel creatively inclined, we highly suggest that each groom-to-be spend some quality time thinking of how their bride-to-be would want them to propose. I mean, what lady wouldn't love a romantic story that she can share with her friends and family? Oh, and if it can also be truly unique, well that's even better!
3 Fun and Creative Wedding Ceremony Entrance Ideas (Videos)
Posted: November 11, 2013
Far to often grooms can be intimidated by weddings because of all the serious planning that goes into make the day perfect and special. While all these planning details are important, it can be just as important to plan something fun and unique. Yes, getting married is a serious decision, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun on your big day. Just remember that there's no right or wrong to the way you incorporate "fun" into your wedding, but we do encourage it. It obviously needs to feel comfortable to you and your guests, but being creative and thinking outside the box is what it's all about. Many of your guests have been to weddings that all feel about the same. They know what to expect when, and end up looking forward to the food and booze more than anything. Why not mix it up? Like we said, you don't need to make a joke of the day... but adding in the fun side of your personalities (when you feel it's appropriate), can add a whole new level of fun and excitement for you AND your guests. Below are three ways to bring a little fun to your ceremony entrance.
Kanye West Is An Involved Groom… Are you?
Posted: November 01, 2013
If you haven’t heard, Kayne West and Kim Kardasian are getting married. Don’t worry; we’re not going to start doing a bunch of celebrity gossip posts. There are plenty of places to get that information, if you want it. We simply wanted to highlight the fact that Kanye considers himself a “Very Involved Groom”. Good for you, Kanye. Way to take part in this momentous day, and support your bride!
HuffPost Live Interview - Grooms Share Wedding Planning Experience (video)
Posted: October 18, 2013
Keeping in line with what we posted a few weeks back, more and more grooms are taking a very active role in wedding planning. Couples are beginning to see the wedding day as throwing the best party of their lives, or so they should says Christian in the interview. He is a recently married groom that thinks guys are really missing out by not actively participating in the preparations of this special day. A wedding planner from a popular wedding show on TLC “Wedding Island” also shares her experiences...
How To Select The Right Groomsmen Gift For Your Groomsmen
Posted: October 11, 2013
I know this sounds pretty straight forward, but we keep hearing how much guys have been dissatisfied with the groomsmen gifts they've received. We know this is not what any groom intendeds, but it continues to happen year after year. That said, we decided this post needed to be written. Over and over we hear guys saying: "Yeah, I've NEVER used my groomsmen gifts... they're in a drawer somewhere". What a waste! Don't get me wrong, I know it's easy to default to the typical groomsmen gifts like a flask, pen or knife... and then have it engraved to give it special meaning. But we challenge you to go beyond that. We encourage you to make each groomsmen gift so personal, meaningful and practical that it not only gets used by your groomsmen, but you don't even need to get it engraved for them to remember that gift's special meaning. This may sound like a lot of work, but it really doesn't have to be. So, "How do I get there" you ask? Well, we've got some simple steps for you to keep in mind when picking out a groomsmen gift for your groomsmen.
Groom Secretly Plans Girlfriend’s Dream Wedding Using Her PINTEREST Account
Posted: October 03, 2013
We just want to start by saying that the title of this post is not something we recommend, unless that's what your bride wants. As you might have guessed, however, that's exactly what happened with this groom. Ryan Leak met his girlfriend Amanda Roman in 2008 through Ryan's worship pastor brother at their church discipleship program. Sometime in the future, Ryan overheard his girlfriend Amanda tell a friend that it was her dream to "get engaged and hitched all at once". Fast forward a few years, and we have a soon-to-be groom who took his desire to support his soon-to-be bride, and planned the entire wedding day she'd always wanted. Like other grooms, guys are putting WAY more time, effort and energy into the planning of their wedding day. And any guy who is ready for marriage, should also be ready to do way more than what grooms have been told they need to do in the past like: show up sober, keep your guys in line and make sure your tux fits right. I mean, we are men getting married not boys... right? Okay, back to the story. Here's where Pinterest comes in. It took him a year to plan, making calls in private and even putting special locks on his phone, but 5 years to the day of their meeting, he made it all happen. Of the over 220 re-pins Amanda had made to a board entitled "My Dream Wedding", he used those as a guide to make her dream wedding a reality.
Thinking she was helping some friends move; Ryan first flew her out to Miami...
Groomzilla OR Involved Groom?
Posted: September 30, 2013
I recently read a post called "Surviving a Groomzilla". Although I know those guys are out there, I honestly felt like most of the things mentioned as examples did not qualify. Now I know the idea of a Bridezilla or Groomzilla is never going to go away, and that's just the way it is. And as much as I'd love to see every bride and groom plan their wedding together, that is not the ultimate point of this post. What I'm getting at is this, we are at a pivotal point where we truly need a universal definition of what makes a bride a Bridezilla and a groom a Groomzilla. Just saying a guy who has opinions about his wedding day a Groomzilla cripples the desire for future grooms who want to get involved. Who knows... encouraging grooms about their wedding day could even help marriages stay together. Bottom line, I think we could do a better job at telling whether or not a groom is a Groomzilla, by going down the following road.
5 Ways to Surprise Your Bride on Wedding Day
Posted: September 20, 2013
Your wedding day is sure to be one of the happiest days in both you and your brides' life. And to make it even more memorable, we’ve compiled a short list of special surprises for your wife-to-be to enjoy. Putting in a little extra thought and effort, throughout your wedding day, will go a long way in showing her how thrilled you are to be marrying HER! Plus, you'll feel so great about pulling off a special surprise, especially if she's been the one taking on most of the wedding planning details. Honestly, whether you go with just one or all five of these ideas for your wedding, your bride will be ecstatic!
Groom Secretly Videos His Own Wedding With Glasses
Posted: September 12, 2013
It's always great to see grooms having fun at their wedding. Remember, there are no rules... except to "have fun". And grooms are taking full advantage. Gone are the days when grooms just "showed up" to their wedding. Guys are really looking for fun ways to make the wedding their own, and nearly all the brides we talk too are VERY happy about it. Wedding planning can take a lot of time and energy, and with both the bride and groom working full time... sharing the wedding planning load is the best way to go. In terms of grooms having fun though, they are doing this in all kinds of ways like: having their own cigar and whiskey bar, renting poker tables, designing the wedding monogram, building decor, putting on a dance for their bride and even small details like picking out their own cool ceremony music (think classical string instruments version of the Imperial March from Star Wars)! Needless to say, a wedding can give guys a great opportunity to get creative, and that's exactly what this groom did.
10 Top Songs Grooms Want At Their Wedding
Posted: August 14, 2013
It's 2013, and new music groups and music styles are popping up all over the music industry. And with so many choices, it's no wonder brides and grooms are having a hard time selecting the music they want to hear for their 4-5 hour wedding. It's no secret that there are a variety different ways couples are making their wedding their own, and music is one of the very top on their list. Although every wedding is different, there have been some common connections when it comes to music. Enter some of the top groom song requests. We hope this list helps each of those brides and grooms navigate those tough music choices ahead of them.
Death To “Groomzilla” - Rise Of The “Involved Groom”
Posted: July 19, 2013
It seems like every article I read about grooms getting involved in the wedding process automatically refers to them as a "Groomzilla". Well, last time I checked, the wedding was about two people giving up their singe lives to join together, as one, for a lifelong marriage commitment. So when a guy actually wants to take part in planning the celebration of this day, it's spun in a negative light... ie: Groomzilla. My question is this, why not help in the cause of making this process more of a team effort (it's not easy planning a wedding anyway), and encourage men who desire to step up and support their bride-to-be by calling these guys "Involved Grooms"?
Bridal Party Does The Harlem Shake During Wedding Ceremony
Posted: June 06, 2013
It seems like everyone was all about the Harlem Shake, just a few months ago. There were all kinds of videos, and I mean ALL kinds. Wedding receptions saw packed dance floors with guests showing off their Harlem Shake moves. People were coming out of the woodwork to create their own unique take on the Harlem Shake using an iPhone App. Still, this is the first we've seen of the Harlem Shake during a wedding ceremony. Check it out, and let us know what you think. But please, don't send us your
$250 Groomsmen Gift Giveaway From The Groom’s List and GroomsDay
Posted: May 29, 2013
Who wouldn't want $250 to spend on some great groomsmen gifts for their guys? Well for the month of June, you can enter-to-win your very own $250 shopping spree through one of the top sellers of groomsmen gifts, GroomsDay. Just follow this link: $250 Groomsmen Gift Giveaway, and follow the steps. It's easy, and you could use your winnings to get great groomsmen gifts like a:
Three Trendy Groomsmen Styles of 2013
Posted: April 09, 2013
image by: Smitten Photography
It is certainly true that when it comes to looks and beauty, come wedding day, the bride always takes center stage. This does not mean however, that the groom and his men are not allowed to earn some style points themselves. Below are three styles that have gained huge popularity recently, and will, without doubt, be among the most popular looks of the 2013 wedding season.