“This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.”
— Unknown

Remember to plan at least one last date as an unmarried couple. Go all out!
Bring these items:
- A list of family, wedding party and vendor phone numbers for the best man
- All wedding attire (make a list so you don’t forget something)
- A red rose (for your bride)
- A wedding card (for your bride)
- A written copy of your vows (if applicable)
- Bride’s engagement ring and wedding band (may also have your ring)
- Emergency Items (your best man should pack these for you)
- Entertainment for your groomsmen while you wait for the ceremony to start
- Envelopes with final vendor payments (if applicable)
- Gum/breath mints
- Hotel reservation information (if applicable)
- Lint roller
- Luggage
- Marriage license
- Money/travelers checks (if applicable)
- Plane/travel tickets (if applicable)
- Spare shirt for the reception (in case you get sweaty during the ceremony)
- Wedding Night Items