“The anticipation of touch is one of the most potent sensations on earth.”
— Richard J. Finch (relationship coach)

Don’t take a long flight or drive too far the first night. Stay in a local suite, and really enjoy the evening together. For this specific night, get the best room you can afford (keep in mind that it’s not just sex, it’s about having a special level of intimacy and romance). Then you can wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to head to your vacation spot.
Bring these items:
- Champagne (recommend: La Montecchia-Fior d’Arancio)
- Two Champagne glasses (hotel should provide these)
- About 7 small aroma therapy candles in glass votives/containers
- Bubble bath
- Massage oil
- Chocolate body paints and brushes
- Chocolate covered strawberries or blueberries
- Red rose petals on the bed at turndown (hotel should be able to do this for you)
- An MP3 player for the mood music (make sure you have something to plug it into)
- Silk boxers/briefs
- Condoms (if desired)
- A 2:00 pm late checkout