Wedding Night
“The anticipation of touch is one of the most potent sensations on earth.”
— Richard J. Finch (relationship coach)

Don’t take a long flight or drive too far the first night. Stay in a local suite, and really enjoy the evening together. For this specific night, get the best room you can afford (keep in mind that it’s not just sex, it’s about having a special level of intimacy and romance). Then you can wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to head to your vacation spot.
Bring these items:
- Champagne (recommend: La Montecchia-Fior d’Arancio)
- Two Champagne glasses (hotel should provide these)
- About 7 small aroma therapy candles in glass votives/containers
- Bubble bath
- Massage oil
- Chocolate body paints and brushes
- Chocolate covered strawberries or blueberries
- Red rose petals on the bed at turndown (hotel should be able to do this for you)
- An MP3 player for the mood music (make sure you have something to plug it into)
- Silk boxers/briefs
- Condoms (if desired)
- A 2:00 pm late checkout
Create a romantic environment.
Start the mood music, and place candles near the bed and Jacuzzi. -
Prepare the Jacuzzi.
Add in the bubble bath, a few red rose petals, light the candles and pop the Champagne. -
Build the emotional connection.
Start by talking about your favorite moments of the day. -
Prepare the bed.
While she dries off and puts on lingerie, light the candles near the bed and patiently wait in your silk boxers/briefs. -
Begin to touch her slowly and softly.
Once she joins you in bed, start by giving her a massage with the massage oil (first her feet, then work your way up to her neck). -
Kiss her everywhere.
Take your time kissing her entire body (pay special attention to the neck, shoulders and inner thighs). -
Maintain the emotional connection.
Look her into her eyes as often as possible. -
NEVER rush.
If you take your time during foreplay, it will build her anticipation for you and make it easier for her to orgasm while you’re making love. -
Be gentle and unpredictable.
Begin taking off her lingerie very slowly. Start and stop at a few different places before you take everything completely off. This will really turn her on. -
Keep a slow pace.
As you begin making love, enter her slowly. Tease her by NOT going in all the way. When you finally do, be careful not to thrust too deep, hard or quick.
Here are some suggestions to set the mood. If you can, keep them in this order.
- Longing Love (George Winston)
- Summer’s Day (James LaRocca)
- Gentle Awakening (Scott Huckabay)
- Faure: Apres Un Reve (Steve Erquiaga)
- Flowers On The Water (Kostia)
- 17th Redemption (George Robinson)
- Mexico Azul (John Nilsen)
- Hailee’s Moment (Eric Lautenbach)
- Hawa Batas (Steve Areen)
- Black Bamboo (Martin, Klamt, Rownd)
- When the Snow Melts (Phil Cunningham)
- Romantic Piano (Jean-Claude Bensimon)
- Es Vedra (B-Tribe)
- #34 (Dave Matthews Band)
- Temptation (instrumental)
- L-O-V-E (Fisher)