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I’d Like To Write My Own Vows… Where Do I Begin?

Posted: August 11, 2016

Wedding Vows

This can be a very daunting task, at first glance, but with a little guidance any groom can have some great, and personal, vows without spending hours and hours writing draft after draft.  To be honest, there's really no right or wrong way to put these together.  The main thing is speaking from the heart, and having them be pretty much the same format as your bride's.  As you know, MANY people have gotten married before you, so learning from them can be a really good thing.  To help with that knowledge, we've compiled various examples to give you a head start.  

Below is a step-by-step guide for creating personal and memorable vows.  Be sure to visit our Speaking page for more assistance/advice for executing each step.

1. Talk with your bride.

2. Start with a traditional wedding vow and modify it to your liking.

3. Write 3-5 sentences explaining WHY you are making these vows to her.
4. Build in some consistency.
5. Don’t go too long.
6. Make sure the right person has a copy.
7. Do something special with them.
Remember, this is just a helpful outline to get you started (details/examples on our Speaking page)... making it personal and meaningful is and should be up to you.